This exceptional course for LDS Couples offers a cost-effective way to understand and attend to the challenges in your intimate relationship, while in the privacy and comfort of your own home.

Course Details

Join the Enhancing Sexual Intimacy course to overcome common psychological and relational roadblocks to sexual intimacy. 

Where the Strengthening Your Relationship course teaches you how to overcome challenges in your emotional connection, the Enhancing Sexual Intimacy course addresses barriers to an authentic and mutually fulfilling sexual relationship.

This course is perfect for those who:

  • Find sex undesirable or have a spouse with a lack of desire.
  • Feel awkward or incompatible sexually with a spouse.
  • Want to grow their sexual relationship to be more satisfying and connected.
  • Feel barriers in an intimate relationship without clarity about what is standing in the way.
  • Want a clearer understanding of the relationship between sexuality, love, and desire in marriage.
  • Have participated in untrustworthy sexual behavior and are looking to address its impact on the sexual relationship.

If gifting this course, you can print a downloadable gift card here.

By committing to this course and working through its materials, you will see your sexual dynamics more clearly, will understand your role in your sexual struggles, and will know how you can create a more passionate, honest sexual connection. 

This course will also help you understand the relational bases of love, desire, and passion. It will teach you about communication, fantasy, pornography, men’s and women’s sexuality and how to relate to these realities in a way that creates a freer, happier, life-sustaining sexual bond.

I bought three of your courses a couple months ago and they have changed my life and without question saved my marriage. Thank you sincerely.

— O.V., Course Participant

Enhancing Sexual Intimacy™. JFF Studios, LLC claims trademark rights of "Enhancing Sexual Intimacy". Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

All course purchases include:

Printable (or Hard-copy) Course Workbook

Each course purchase includes access to a series of on-demand video lectures AND a digital course workbook. Each workbook includes course outlines, assignments, and resources to push your growth and development further. 

While you can print your own workbook free of charge, we recommend purchasing our bound workbooks. A bound workbook allows you to keep your notes and assignment responses in one place, while easily reviewing lesson concepts.  

Please select your preference (online or booklet) in the purchase bar above. The workbook will be shipped within three business days.

One Full Year of Access to Online Course and Materials

Your online course will be available to you until it is either retired or replaced, with guaranteed access for one year from the date of purchase. 

Reviews From Course Participants

  • "I am LOVING your classes SO much!!  Thank you!! ... ... Really facing myself and looking at the hard truth of all I've done to contribute to our many struggles, I decided I really wanted to start over again.  I focused on working on my own sexuality leading up to our [recent] trip so that I could bring that to him more fully.  So, without all the details ;-), I TRULY fell in love with my husband again.  It seems crazy and cliche, but seriously, all that I've been able to confront within myself has unlocked my ability to love him more fully and completely---which honestly, I had no idea was possible!  I'm still working on myself and my own capacity to desire and give myself to him, but MAN! the sex is amazing! and it's like I CANNOT get enough of him! --I'm pretty sure he didn't see this side of me coming after 20 years of marriage!  So again, thank you!!"

    — T.A.
  • "Jennifer, your sexuality course is excellent---truly exceptional.  It has made such a difference for me and my wife.  We are in a better place than we've ever been because of it.  The work you are doing is so needed, and so important in the Mormon world.  Thank you, again."

    — E.H.
  • "I've been meaning to write and thank you for both of your classes.  ... I can honestly say that your classes have invigorated and reinvented our marriage.   Both of us have been happier than we've been in years --- probably the happiest we've ever been.  Our daughter said to me recently that she noticed that my husband and I have been so much more positive and happy.  I cannot tell you how wonderful this all is!  Just know that you are doing really good, important, lasting work!  Thank you so much!"

    — S.D.
  • "Thanks for everything. This course has had the most impact for good on my marriage than anything else we've ever done. Thank you incredibly much! I only wish I had access to this 30 years ago, when we married. Oh well. Better late than never! ... I genuinely appreciate your work. You're a blessing to the world."

    — M.P.
  • "I wanted to send you a heartfelt (belated) thanks for taking so much time to respond to me on last month's office hours call.  (I was the long question about pornography.)  I am so grateful to you! ... Your classes have made all the difference for our story.  My husband has soaked in and applied everything he possibly can from all of your classes.  We listen to them on repeat.   We are major JFF fans!  It has helped him to understand himself and develop emotional skills that he never had. Turns out he's pretty good at developing emotionally now that he has some knowledge.  I will be forever grateful!"

    — G.B.
  • "Thank you for teaching this class.  We had a wonderful experience with both the "Strengthening Your Relationship" and the "Enhancing Sexuality" courses.  I found the assignments particularly helpful.  Going through them allowed me to process what I learned in the classes and apply it to myself.  Doing that helped me identify a lot of things I need to confront to improve my relationship to my own sexuality and my sexual connection with my husband.  I feel like I'm leaving the course with tools in my tool box to deal with my avoidance of sex, a problem I now see more clearly."

    — S.R.
  • "[My husband] and I have been doing the exercises from your class and found them really helpful.  ….  The first time we tried [one of the exercises], I was overwhelmed with a feeling of being cared for----really cared for. ... It was a gift that I gave to myself as much as [my husband] gave to me as I let myself receive.  The next day, I was full of energy and excitement and found myself really looking forward to our next session that night.  After we did it for the second night, we had the best sex we have ever had.  It is hard to describe, but it really was a beautiful conversation, like you had said it could be.  I felt like we were expressing respect for the best in each other and also freely receiving the message.  Without "trying" to, we gazed in each others eyes the whole time and shared a really spiritual experience. ..."

    — C.M.
  • "I want to thank you for your courses. I think you are absolutely brilliant. I have been doing a lot of research and counseling and reading, and your perspective has been the most helpful to me"

    — M.G.
  • We just finished your two couples' courses last week.  They have been remarkably helpful to us.  When my wife purchased them, I was skeptical.  I just told her yesterday that this was the best money we've ever spent.  Thank you so much for your insight and wisdom.  Your work has made a huge difference in our marriage, and we are grateful.

    — K.J.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! While these courses were designed with LDS couples in mind, the topics covered and content taught in each course is applicable to all couples, regardless of religious affiliation. 

If you’re not sure where to start, feel free to take our Course Match-Making Quiz to get a custom recommendation based on your needs.

The outlines and assignments related to your course materials can either be printed from your course portal OR sent to you as a bound booklet. This bound booklet makes it easy to keep track of your notes and self-reflections as you go through the course material. If you are taking a couples' course, we recommend purchasing two booklets; however, many people use one booklet together.

Once you purchase one or more courses, you will be emailed a login to our course portal within 1 business day. Your digital course workbook will be delivered with the course portal login. If you order a physical course workbook, it will ship within three business days.

Only one course purchase is required per household. You can share the course with anyone who lives with you.

Each course has been extensively refined to meet the needs of couples, individuals, and parents. Because of this, rarely do students request a refund. Due to the overwhelming majority who find great value from each course, refunds are generally unavailable. (We do make occasional exceptions for extreme circumstances on a case-by-case basis, although we reserve the right to deny a refund for any reason).

We provide support resources throughout your course experience to answer any questions and assist you with the course if you are having any trouble. If you feel that a different course would fit your needs, course exchanges can be granted on a case-by-case basis.