You can learn more about this event and purchase your ticket HERE.

Reviews From Workshop Participants
"You unlocked was like fireworks when I came back from the retreat!"
"I've listened to all the podcasts and taken the online courses, but being there in person and hearing her dive deeper into her instruction was life-changing."
"If you feel a little dead inside, or that you've been swallowed up in motherhood, or that you don't even know who YOU are anymore, you must take this course. It's the answer you've been hoping for."
"I appreciate the work Dr. Finlayson-FIfe has done to create an honest, inspiring, growth-based frame to grow ourselves up sexually and in our lives!"
"I am a big follower of Jennifer's podcasts but being there in person and hearing her dive deep into her instruction was life-changing. I love how she doesn't sensationalize her presentation and she took time to answer all of our questions. She's brilliant and I'm so grateful for her work in bringing female sexuality out of obscurity."
"Honestly, I went expecting to pick up a few tips on strengthening my marriage and getting over my body image issues. What I came home with was this profound internal shift that is impacting EVERY aspect of my life. I feel like for the first time I know what it means to be grounded, to be truly at peace in my own skin. That happened because you showed me how to take the shame out of the human development equation. I cannot even describe how exciting it is to move into a framework of realizing I’m not broken for having places in my life where I feel somewhat stuck (why am I this old and STILL not comfortable with my body??)—- I’m actually just a human being with areas that still have room for growth and development.
"I didn't know what to expect going into the experience. I thought I had a pretty great sex life and wondered what else I could learn. Boy was I wrong. This retreat elevated my thinking to how my self development is tied directly to my sexuality. I had multiple a-ha moments over the course of the week and I would eagerly share them with my spouse. For me this was life giving. I can not thank Dr. Finlayson-Fife enough for the work she put in to this course and this week as a whole. I want to shout from the roof tops that EVERYONE needs to take this no matter where you fall on the spectrum of LDS belief."
"I left feeling so grounded, hopeful, empowered, and uplifted. I made really amazing friends and came to a new level of self-awareness and self-acceptance I hope to nurture and make even stronger. I have a new awe for women at large, and want all women to feel their power and inner-goddess that I got a small taste of last week."