Leave the stresses of daily life and commit, as a couple, to improve your relationship. By immersing yourselves in this transformative workshop, you will overcome barriers to happiness in your emotional and sexual relationship.

Purchase your ticket HERE!

Purchase your ticket HERE!

The Strengthening Your Relationship and Enhancing Sexual Intimacy retreats are immersive, challenging and unforgettable experiences.

Join Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife this fall in Hillsboro, Oregon for a life- and marriage-transforming experience! This engaging workshop presents ways to understand and address difficult relationship dynamics that interfere with marital happiness and intimacy. 

The material presented during this retreat will help you see your own contributions to challenging interactions, and teach you how to better self-regulate, more effectively communicate, and deepen your friendship and connection. Dr. Finlayson-Fife will give you new ways to understand your challenges and tools for creating substantive change, with exceptional instruction and meaningful interactions with participants.

The Strengthening Your Relationship workshop will take place 10/24/24-10/26/24 in picturesque Hillsboro, Oregon. 

The Enhancing Sexual Intimacy workshop will take place 10/28/2024-10/30/2024 in picturesque Hillsboro, Oregon.

For maximum benefit, participants are encouraged to stay for both sessions for a focused six-day experience. If needed, participants can sign up for either one of the two segments. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to interact with and get input from Dr. Finlayson-Fife over multiple days, while being immersed in an entirely new way of understanding and addressing your relationship challenges.

A lot of couples get stuck in unhappy, painful patterns in their relationships, but don’t know how to truly make things better. Many people seek help, but either can’t afford good input or spend lots of time and money on marriage therapies that don’t get to the core of their challenges. 

What is so valuable about Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s Couples’ Retreat is that she provides couples like you with a powerful method to make sense of and fundamentally address relationship struggles. The material gives people an entirely new way to understand what is happening in their relationship, and clarity about what they can do to change. 

The complete immersion in exceptional material over multiple days is far more powerful in affecting meaningful change than most weekly therapies can provide.


  • Strengthening Your Relationship Retreat (10/24/2024-10/26/2024)
  • A Relaxation Day. Take a day mid-retreat to digest, and reflect on all of the life-changing content you've been learning. Plus, take advantage of the serene venue and stroll through fields of wildflowers and fruit orchards--or take a drive to the magnificent Oregon coast (1.5-hours away) or explore nearby Portland (45-minutes away).
  • Enhancing Sexual Intimacy Retreat (10/28/2024-10/30/2024)
  • Gourmet meals throughout the week!
  • Beautiful bound workbooks for each segment of the retreat, so that you can review your notes and continue your studies at home. 
  • Breathtaking location--the grounds and views from our venue are absolutely stunning! 


Oregon Couples' 6-day Retreat 

Full Retreat - $4399/couple 

Session I (10/24/24-10/26/24): Strengthening Your Relationship - $2,399

Session 2 (10/27/24-10/30/24): Enhancing Sexual Intimacy - $2,399

Purchase your ticket here!

*Lodging not included in ticket price*

On-site lodging is available for an additional fee, you can learn more HERE. 


Your retreat ticket is non-refundable after July 23rd. If you are unable to attend but find another couple interested in your ticket, your ticket can be transferred to them by contacting our office.

Retreat schedule

Reviews From Retreat Participants

  • My husband and I attended last October.  Beautiful insights.  Excellent dialogue. Growth as an individual and as a couple.  SO AMAZING!  If you are thinking of going...DO IT.  My husband and I are hearts full GRATEFUL towards Jennifer!  (And if you're thinking 'I'll just purchase the course online' --True, you can do that.  You can learn from JFF that way, too.  But this time together, away from the regulars of life, is as they say, PRICELESS)."  

    — 2019 Couples' Retreat Participant, comment on Instagram
  •  I realized going into the retreat I was banking on my husband learning and changing A, B, C and D.  What I didn’t anticipate was the self reflection, and realizing I was at least as much to blame for our marital woes as he was.  Very humbling, but I’m thankful for JFF’s candor and directness that jolts people like me awake to my flaws.  I’m happy to say I am less resentful towards my husband and more ready to make changes in myself.

    — - K.Y. 2022 Couples' Retreat Participant
  • “My husband and I attended your week long couples’ workshop in SLC last August. I just wanted to write and tell you that it has completely changed our marriage. We had tried therapy and self-help books unsuccessfully and seriously considered separation, but your course entirely changed our perspectives and helped us truly face ourselves and our destructive habits. We still have things to learn, but we have come so far as a couple and it is largely due to you and the principles you taught us. We just want to say how grateful we are. ... ”

    — C.B. (Couples' Retreat participant)
  • I really loved the way that Jennifer made a sometimes very awkward and emotionally charged subjects seem comfortable. My husband and I had some really great breakthroughs. The content was understandable and presented in a clear and intelligent manner.

    — - V. J. 2022 Couples' Retreat Participant
  • I've been meaning to write and thank you for both of your classes. ... I can honestly say that your classes have invigorated and reinvented our marriage. Both of us have been happier than we've been in years --- probably the happiest we've ever been. Our daughter said to me recently that she noticed that my husband and I have been so much more positive and happy. I cannot tell you how wonderful this all is! Just know that you are doing really good, important, lasting work! Thank you so much

    — S.D., Participant in both couples' courses
  • "Our marriage has been saved by engaging in Jennifer’s classes at home together. That is not an exaggeration. We have both jumped into what she is teaching, and are changing individually. The women’s retreat was life-changing for me. The couples retreat was a landmark for us as a couple—the intense focus that brought us up to the next level in our journey together. I am energized to stay on this path, and to stay on it with my husband! How thankful I feel to be feeling that way again after so long. Jennifer’s gift cannot be overstated."

    — - B. T. Enhancing Sexual Intimacy Retreat Participant (2023)
  • "This retreat was life changing! We've already done the online courses, and they were amazing, but being there, in-person, and taking the time to solely focus on us and our relationship was a completely different experience. We grew so much individually and together, and have specific things we are working on that are giving our marriage a total make-over. By the time we left, we realized we had been living our relationship at 50% for decades, and now we know where we're headed and how to get there."

    — - R.S. 2023 Couples' Retreat Attendee