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My Best Selling Courses

Strengthening Your Relationship™
The newly renovated "Strengthening Your Relationship" online course offers you an exceptional and affordable way to understand and address the challenges in your relationship from the privacy and comfort of your own home. Take advantage of this opportunity to understand the recurring and unsatisfying patterns in your marriage as well as actionable steps you can take to heal your divisions, create more peace, and experience more joy together.

Enhancing Sexual Intimacy™
Join this course to understand the underlying causes of sexual dissatisfaction, overcome barriers to sexual and relational openness, and participate in exercises that increase your capacity and desire for intimacy.

The Art of Desire™
Join this exceptional course to understand and challenge cultural false traditions that inhibit sexual desire, while learning a new, life-expanding perspective on desire and its relationship to your personal development and self-confidence.

The Art of Loving™
Join the Art of Loving online course to challenge cultural messages that inhibit your capacity for love, intimacy and sexual integrity. With these powerful concepts, you will address your role in unsatisfying sexual interactions while becoming a more open-hearted, desirable spouse.

How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex™
Join this course to become a wiser mentor to your children around their God-given sexuality. Each lesson helps you teach your child navigate internal and external sexual pressures while remaining true to their highest values, at each developmental stage.
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By taking this quiz, you will receive a customized course recommendation based on your needs. Each course has been professionally crafted to empower you to strengthen your relationships, understand sexual challenges, and increase your understanding of love and sexual expression.
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Introducing Mini-Courses
These NEW, information-packed, mini-courses are perfect for those who are short on time but still want access to the life and marriage changing insight that Dr. Finlayson-Fife provides.
Each course was designed to have maximum impact in minimal time and offers enrollees an easy and quick introduction to Dr. Finlayson-Fife and her work.

Listen To Real Couples’ Coaching with Dr. Finlayson-Fife.
Step into the marital stories of couples facing challenges similar to your own. Learn from Dr. Jennifer how to understand and address your own intimate challenges!
What participants are saying...
My life and marriage has changed incredibly for good. Recently my husband teared up in bed because he was so overwhelmed and happy with how our relationship is moving forward. ... Bless him. It has taken me 38 years to choose him, and to own my sexuality. This happened surprisingly quickly once true principles were introduced to me. Those life-changing events came through you and the course I signed up for. Life is good. I don't know how to thank you.
This podcast [Room for Two] has been absolutely transformational for me. I started 3 weeks ago listening and already I have been able to shift my mindset and behavior to make some significant progress in my relationship with my wife. I have been able to experience more joy and connection than ever. Thank you!!" -- Posted on FB, used with permission
"I’ve listened to each episode more than one time through and I LOVE them! To say they are about sex and intimacy is misleading. They are more about how to become a whole person. A whole person in relation to yourself and in a relationship. Such valuable insights and help for me as I work on these things in myself.-- A.F.
I just wanted to write and thank you for developing these programs. My wife and I finished your Relationship Course and are currently listening to your Sexuality Course. We are celebrating 14 years of marriage in March. I can honestly say I have never felt closer to my wife. We had massive breakthroughs while taking your Relationship Course. I was able to identify my losing strategies and my wife has finally given herself fully to me, no more walls. These last few weeks have been some of the best of our marriage. We are finally communicating honestly and openly. Thank you again! You have two new fans!
Please let Jennifer know that ... we were able to move past the gridlock we were experiencing when we listened to an episode on Room for Two! We related so much with one of the couples and it was like, "duh!" there it is...that makes so much sense, why couldn't we see that!
Please let her know that we think Room for Two is an absolutely brilliant idea to help couples learn from other couples. It really does accelerate the process of self and couple development! Jennifer is so effective and brilliant in how she unravels the complex couple challenges compassionately and with tender humor (couldn't happen to a better guy, lol)! I am forever grateful for her and her work! It has literally saved our marriage! We are hard core fans!
This podcast [Room for Two] is a gold mine! The insight, the wisdom, the clarity, the vulnerability is life changing. In our marriage, we have been able to hit codependency right on the head thanks for Dave and Carly. Thank your Dave and Carly for your vulnerability. You have changed our lives. Jennifer has explained the role of codependency in our lives so profoundly. Episode 20 was the most impactful episode for us yet, we are starting to see wild changes in our lives that are finally aligning with what our vision is. Such a wonderful resource Jennifer, we are so grateful for this. Thank you so much!
Jennifer, I have spent about an hour a day with you for a few months now. I've geeked out on your podcasts and am currently taking 2 of your classes. I can't get enough of your wisdom and world view. You have elevated my way of life, my own grounding and believe in myself, and made me better able to love. Once you realize you have control over yourself only, you realize you don't have to be reactive at all. SO FREEING AND PROFOUND. So even though I don't actually know you, I feel like I do. you are the highlight of my commute, my lunch break, my up-all-night-to-wrap-presents time. You have been there for me and are doing amazing things for my life. I truly thank you.
What an an amazing talent you have of framing sex, sexuality, and sexual relationships in a positive way that empowers me and gives me hope and courage to teach my children about sex in a way that will bless and enrich their lives. Based on the things I have learned from this course I have already changed the dynamics of my conversations with my children.
"...Over the past 9 months, we have listened to all of your podcasts and taken both of your couples' courses. They have done more for us than I ever thought was possible. And not just the relationship, but for us as individuals as well. (The concepts taught of self-validating and self-confronting have been so empowering, it’s hard to describe.)
And still, after all I’ve heard and learned, the Art of Loving men’s course has been the best of all. It’s been one of the most uplifting, hope filled, face-smacking experience I’ve ever had. Learning that my desires, wants, passions and identity are not things that need to be hidden or shamed, has given me the courage to open up---To be honest with [my wife] in a way I didn't think was possible. The more open and honest about who I am, the less power and appeal the destructive behavior has had. ... The burdens so long carried have become lighter. I still have far to go but finally seeing a path makes me smile and cry at the same time. It’s the toughest, most joyful thing I’ve ever done. Being completely open can be a butt-kicker. But I can feel the difference and [my wife] can see the difference.
It was three years ago today that I purchased your relationship course ... I was hooked, so moved onto the AOD course, then an AOD retreat, then the intimacy course! So much appreciation for you and your work, it has been life (and marriage) saving!
Thank you for making our life SO much better!!! You are a hero of mine! I have loved all of your courses - you have been such a blessing in my life!! Thank you!!
I recently listened to the [podcast] episode Sexuality and Happiness with Andy Proctor. When you were talking about the do's and don'ts of healthy sexuality, you mentioned coming to a place of gratitude for our embodiment and sexuality. It totally made me cry as I realized that is exactly what I have come to feel. As one who was terrified of my sexuality and thought it was an evil part of me, your words and teachings have helped me change and reframe these unhealthy thoughts into more productive ones. Now, I can honestly say I am so grateful for my sexuality and for the goodness it brings to my life and my marriage. Without your podcasts and courses, I would still be living in sexual shame and my marriage would not be thriving. Thank you!!
Honestly this podcast [Room for Two] is amazing ... [I]t leaves you without an excuse to confront all immaturity.
Each episode is like opening a window inch by inch on a sunny, cold winter day. Like the cold breeze rushing in, Jennifer’s feedback to the couples’ makes you uncomfortable, but in the end you’re gaining more light, and more insight to have a warm marriage where you’ll want to stay.
I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do to teach people about having better relationships and being their best selves. I have never listened to an expert before that I hung on every word, and have never once thought "that is close but a little off from what I think is true." I feel like I am a better person and better disciple as I listen to your podcasts. Thank you!!!!!
Dr. Finlayson-Fife is pretty much my new hero. I just found her a month ago and bought 3 of her courses and have been going through them and my mind has absolutely been blown and forever changed. I feel like I've had a complete paradigm shift, more than I've ever had in my entire life!!!!
This year has been infinitely better because of the growth and learning I have been blessed to discover through your teaching! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for what you're doing!!!