The Problem with Pornography [Fearless Sexuality Summit]
In this NEW episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Taylor Chambers to discuss how we can turn challenges related to pornography into opportunities for personal and relational growth. They explore the systemic issues that contribute to porn use. the impact that unwanted porn use has on marriages, and how we can use conflict and crisis in our relationships as opportunities to learn more about ourselves and create meaningful, lasting change.
Engage in the Process
This week, we are rereleasing one of our most popular episodes of all time! In the episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Steve and James of the Unashamed Unafraid Podcast for a deep dive into the complexities of relationships, particularly those in which there has been dishonesty or infidelity.
The Gift of Men's Sexuality [Q&A Discussion]
During this Q&A discussion, Dr. Jennifer discusses the complexities of men's sexuality, particularly within the context of LDS cultural dynamics. The discussion, driven by questions submitted by our Facebook Group members, highlights the pressures and expectations men face, the importance of seeing men's sexuality as a positive force rather than a problematic one, and how couples can create real intimacy in their marriages.
Teens and Screens
In this NEW episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife discusses with Crystal (@theparenting coach) how parents can help their children navigate the complicated online world. She discusses the key to empowering teens to make wise decisions lies in facilitating our children’s self-authoring – of thinking about the lives they want to create and assessing whether their actions are in line with the person they hope to become.
Parenting and Partnership
In this NEW conversation with Crystal of The Parenting Coach Podcast, Dr. Finlayson-Fife discusses how we can create healthier, more collaborative partnerships even when our partner is not invested in creating positive change.
Masculinity and Sexual Shame
In this episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Tammy Hill of the Live Your Why Podcast for a discussion on men’s sexuality and how our cultural messaging about masculinity has impacted men’s ability to come to peace with their sexuality.
The Challenge of Pornography in Marriage
In this recent Facebook Live, Zach and Darcy Spafford of the Thrive Beyond Pornography podcast joined Dr. Finlayson-Fife to share their personal experience working through unwanted pornography use in their marriage and how after years of feeling stuck and frustrated, they were able to shift gears and make meaningful, lasting progress in their relationship to pornography and their relationship to each other.
Trouble at Bayside: An Unexpected Disclosure || Room for Two Teaser
Zack and Kelly’s marriage has been a relatively untroubled one. That is until last year, when Zack disclosed to Kelly that he had been viewing pornography off and on since childhood. Kelly’s distress from the disclosure came not so much because Zack had been viewing porn, but because he had managed to keep this from her despite her having asked him explicitly about it over the years. Learning that he was capable of deceiving her in this way was completely and understandably disorganizing for Kelly.
Fearless Sexuality: Overcoming Unwanted Porn Use
In this NEW PODCAST episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Taylor Chambers MS, LMFT to discuss unwanted porn use and how our framing of the behavior can make all the difference. They also discuss how honesty with ourselves and our partner can open us up to more sexual fulfillment and connection. Listen to the full episode to learn more about: Addiction framing vs Agentic framing Sexuality as a mechanism for personal development Coming to peace with your sexuality Honesty and its role in our relationships Positive ways to respond to unwanted sexual thoughts/feelings Trust vs Trustworthiness
Pornography and Self-Compassion
In this NEW PODCAST episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Camille Scow of the Choosing Love podcast to talk about the complexities of pornography usage and how you can show love and support to your spouse and yourself in the wake of a pornography disclosure. Listen to the full episode to learn more about: * The important role of self-compassion as we work through fears and anxieties associated with porn usage * Harmful meanings around pornography that hinder our growth and understanding * Anger as a positive resource * The true measure of progress for a porn user * Trust vs Trustworthiness
Sexuality as a Force for Good
In this NEW podcast episode, Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife joins Sarah Brewer of the Overcome Pornography For Good Podcast to discuss how taking responsibility for your own life and chocies will increase your capacity to love and be loved.
Understanding Men's Sexuality
This NEW podcast episode is the recording of a recent Facebook live where Dr. Finlayson-Fife addressed the gift of men's sexuality and took questions from Facebook group members about masculinity, hierarchy, pornography, and more!
The advice offered through Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s Podcast Archive is educational and informational in nature and is provided only as general information. It is not meant to establish a therapist-patient relationship or offer therapeutic advice, opinion, diagnosis treatment or to establish a standard of care. Although Dr. Finlayson-Fife is a trained psychotherapist, she is not functioning in the role of a licensed therapist during these sessions, but rather using her training to inform these sessions. Thus, the content is not intended to replace independent professional judgment. The content is not intended to solicit clients or patients; and should not be relied upon as medical or psychological advice of any kind or nature whatsoever. The information provided through the Content should not be used for diagnosing or treating a mental health problem or disease. The information contained in these communications is not comprehensive and does not include all the potential information regarding the subject matter, but is merely intended to serve as one resource for general and educational purposes.