Join the Sex Worth Wanting webinar to learn how to overcome sexual roadblocks and how couples' can create (and maintain) a passionate sexual friendship in marriage. 

You can learn more about this event and get your ticket HERE.

During this immersive 8-session experience, Dr. Finlayson-Fife will teach couples how to make sense of and fundamentally address the difficulties in their sexual relationship.

This webinar is perfect for those who:

  • Find sex undesirable or have a spouse with a lack of desire.
  • Feel awkward or incompatible sexually with a spouse.
  • Want to grow their sexual relationship to be more satisfying and connected.
  • Feel barriers in an intimate relationship without clarity about what is standing in the way.
  • Want a clearer understanding of the relationship between sexuality, love, and desire in marriage.
  • Have participated in untrustworthy sexual behavior and are looking to address its impact on the sexual relationship

    Learning directly from Dr. Finlayson-Fife provides an accelerated learning experience! Attending a live webinar allows you to set aside distractions and spend intentional time each week focusing on your marriage. You'll also be able to ask questions directly to Dr. Finlayson-Fife as they arise and learn from Dr. other participants' interactions, which provides an impactful experience that will drive these important concepts home in a new and powerful way.

You can learn more about this event and get your ticket HERE.

Reviews From Webinar Participants