Spiritual and Sexual Development + the Power of Lipstick
It can be extraordinarily difficult to break free from the framing and meanings that we were handed in childhood. It is easy to perpetuate these systems unwittingly as adults because it is what we know--it's the water we are swimming in. The process of waking up to the way we are participating in unhealthy systems requires a lot of self-confrontation, faith, and courage. It means breaking free of the systems we know and taking the more courageous path of offering our partners and children something better than what we received. In this NEW podcast episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Paul Duane of The Soul Anarchist podcast for an engaging and powerful discussion of everything from the evolution of Jennifer's understanding of and relationship to God to the power of lipstick and high-waisted jeans.
Teens, Confidence, and Sexuality
In this NEW podcast episode Jennifer joins Heidi Benjaminson of Confidence Coaching to talk to parents about confidence, perfectionism, and how to best help our kids navigate the awkward and uncomfortable process of maturing into adulthood.
Mormonism and Sex
In this episode of Mormonland Jennifer joins a panel with Michael Austin, Jacob Hess, and hosts Peggy Fletcher Stack and David Noyce to discuss the history, theology, and ethics of sexual relations in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
And They Lived Resentfully Ever After || Room for Two Teaser!
A taste of Dr. Finlayson-Fife's new podcast Room for Two! Jane is a people pleaser. She has spent her life pursuing validation by doing all the things she knows she "should''. Up until now, her choices have been driven by seeking others’ approval, but she is ready for a change. Jane is wrestling with herself to find the courage to exert her desires and individuality into her relationship and into the world. Doing so has put pressure on Jane and John's marriage to evolve into something less traditional, transactional and guarded to a marriage more honest, open, and grounded in reality.
Sexuality, Motherhood & Personal Identity
In this NEW podcast episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Crystal Noelle of "The Freedom Moms" podcast to discuss what mothers can do to rediscover their desire and passions.
Embracing Your Sexuality
In this NEW podcast, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Dana Dodini of the "From the Mouths of Babes" podcast (@fromthemouthsofbabespodcast) to discuss how women can take claim of their lives and desires and how doing so will help them embrace their God-given sexuality. Listen to the full episode to learn more about: * Overcoming "Good Girl" Syndrome * Claiming your identity, sexuality, and desires * Challenging cultural ideals of femininity and masculinity * Transitioning from accommodation to ownership and desire * How to best teach our children about sexuality * The importance of prioritizing your own development
Developing Intimacy
Dr. Finlayson-Fife joined Shane and Jason of the Sprinkled With Hope podcast to discuss sexuality, intimacy and hope. Listen to hear more about... - A distinction between sex and intimacy - How to develop a capacity for intimacy - A positive strategy to use talking to your children about their sexuality - Advice for newlyweds as they begin their sexual relationship - Hope and encouragement for meaningful love and intimacy in your life
The Sex Talk We All Deserve
Dr. Finlayson-Fife had a fun and educational conversation with Rosemary Card of the Q.More Podcast where they covered questions we all have about sex. Listen to learn more about... - Integrating your sexuality regardless of what stage of life you are in - The process of self and sexual development - Intimacy and communication - Questions and discussions to help newlyweds navigate their new sexual relationship
The Divine Feminine
This is a recording of an instagram live Dr. Finlayson-Fife did with musician, Jenn Blosil. They covered so many wonderful topics in this fun, uplifting conversation including: - The Divine Feminine - Sexual Energy - Sublimation - Modesty - and more!
Sexuality and Being Single
Tammy Hill of the Live Your Why podcast interviewed Dr. Finlayson-Fife and discussed sexuality for single individuals. Listen to this episode to learn more about: - Where is the line in regards to chastity? - How to help your children make self-directed choices around their sexuality. - A discussion about normal sexual developmental behavior - Core questions to ask yourself to get clear on your relationship to your sexuality - How to transition into a sexual relationship without guilt or shame when you get married
The Beauty and Challenge of Intimacy
Dr. Finlayson-Fife was interviewed on the From the Mouth of Babes podcast to discuss all things intimacy! Listen to this episode to learn more about... - What true intimacy looks like and the courage it requires. - The importance of managing our own sense of self. - Why honesty is key in intimate relationships. - Managing differences in a marriage. - Asking questions to truly understand your spouse and build intimacy in your marriage. - How to rekindle intimacy and passion in your marriage.
Supporting Healthy Sexuality and Identity in Our LDS LGBTQ Children
Talking to your kids about sex is a high anxiety experience for many parents! For LDS families with an LGBTQ child, it can be even more challenging. In this podcast episode, Allison from www.liftandlove.org and Jenie with Jenie Hunter Coaching talk with Dr. Finlayson-Fife about how to raise LGBTQ children and youth with a healthy sense of their sexuality and of their identity as a child of God.
The advice offered through Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s Podcast Archive is educational and informational in nature and is provided only as general information. It is not meant to establish a therapist-patient relationship or offer therapeutic advice, opinion, diagnosis treatment or to establish a standard of care. Although Dr. Finlayson-Fife is a trained psychotherapist, she is not functioning in the role of a licensed therapist during these sessions, but rather using her training to inform these sessions. Thus, the content is not intended to replace independent professional judgment. The content is not intended to solicit clients or patients; and should not be relied upon as medical or psychological advice of any kind or nature whatsoever. The information provided through the Content should not be used for diagnosing or treating a mental health problem or disease. The information contained in these communications is not comprehensive and does not include all the potential information regarding the subject matter, but is merely intended to serve as one resource for general and educational purposes.