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How Personal Freedom Impacts Sex Drive
In this interview Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Valerie Hamaker of the Voices About Living podcast to discuss a case study. They cover topics including women's sexual health and how personal freedom impacts sex drive.
Pornography and Your Marital Sexual Relationship
Dr. Finlayson-Fife joined Julie Winn of The Porn Addict's Wife Podcast to discuss how the marital sexual relationship can be affected when a spouse is viewing pornography.
Sex in Literature
Lindsey Sanchez of the Beating Around the Book podcast interviewed Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife to discuss sex and intimacy in literature. Listen to learn more about: - What eroticism is, how to engage it, and how it relates to your partnership. - How literature with erotic content can move you out of the mundane of everyday life and into a place of play with your spouse. - How erotic literature can be used to enrich your life and partnership.
Sexuality and Being Single
Tammy Hill of the Live Your Why podcast interviewed Dr. Finlayson-Fife and discussed sexuality for single individuals. Listen to this episode to learn more about: - Where is the line in regards to chastity? - How to help your children make self-directed choices around their sexuality. - A discussion about normal sexual developmental behavior - Core questions to ask yourself to get clear on your relationship to your sexuality - How to transition into a sexual relationship without guilt or shame when you get married
Ask a Mormon Sex Therapist Part 32
In a conversation with Nate and Angilyn Bagley of the Mormon Marriages Podcast, Dr. Finlayson-Fife answers several questions sent in by listeners. The topics include: - What subjective and physiological arousal are and how to understand them in yourself. - The importance of play, self-acceptance and acceptance of others as adults. - What is a collaborative alliance and how to do your part in that alliance. - The benefit of giving and receiving in your sexual relationship.
The Beauty and Challenge of Intimacy
Dr. Finlayson-Fife was interviewed on the From the Mouth of Babes podcast to discuss all things intimacy! Listen to this episode to learn more about... - What true intimacy looks like and the courage it requires. - The importance of managing our own sense of self. - Why honesty is key in intimate relationships. - Managing differences in a marriage. - Asking questions to truly understand your spouse and build intimacy in your marriage. - How to rekindle intimacy and passion in your marriage.
Intimacy in Mormon Marriages
In this podcast episode Don Wotherspoon facilitates a discussion with Dr. Finlayson-Fife, Carol Lynn Pearson and Stephen Carter for the Mormon Matters podcast. They cover multiple topics including beliefs that interfere with intimacy in mormon marriages, the effects of the history of polygamy on modern mormon marriages and how marriage can be an incredible opportunity for development and joy!
Valentines Day and Improving Your Sex Life
In this new podcast episode Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife is interviewed by Courtney Anderson, host of The Glow Boss Podcast, to discuss Valentines Day and some easy and concrete ways to spice up your sex life.
Growing Beyond Transactional Faith
In this new podcast episode discussing faith and faith development with Sherrae Phelps, Dr. Finlayson-Fife addresses the topic of... Transactional Faith and how we grow into a higher understandings of Faith.
How to Strive for Excellence (and Still Be Human!)
Jennifer and her sister Carolyn Bever speak with Monica Packer of the About Progress podcast all about how to develop ourselves without perfectionism getting in the way! Listen to hear more about... - How Carolyn went from only being able to run down the block to qualifying for the Boston Marathon. - What parenting has taught Jennifer about herself and her own problematic perfectionism. - How to overcome fears of failure or discomfort. - The normalcy of perfectionism, the false ideas within it, and how we can transcend it. This is a unique self-development podcast that you don't want to miss!
Betrayal Trauma, Part 1 & 2
Are you dealing with betrayal trauma? Today we are reposting a popular podcast in which Dr. Finlayson-Fife talks with Scabs of Bloom For Women about... -Dishonesty in marriage. -Healing from marital betrayal. -How to move forward after a breach of trust. -What infidelity in marriage can show you about your spouse and yourself. -How you can become stronger in the face of betrayal. -How to rebuild trust.
The Teachings of Dr. David Schnarch
Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins colleague Natasha Helfer to discuss Dr. Schnarch's teachings and legacy. They take up -Differentiation theory and Dr. David Schnarch's impact in the field of therapy. -Differentiation and how it's related to strong relationships and a solid sense of self. -How to better manage anxiety within your relationship and family. -Common relational and sexual challenges facing those who have grown up in a religiously conservative culture

Subscribe to "Conversations with Dr. Jennifer"
The Conversations with Dr. Jennifer Podcast is a collection of FREE podcast episodes, interviews, discussions, and media appearances all featuring Dr. Finlayson-Fife. All of these incredible resources have been gathered together and categorized by topic so that you can easily find answers to your relationship and sexuality questions.
As Seen On

The advice offered through Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s Podcast Archive is educational and informational in nature and is provided only as general information. It is not meant to establish a therapist-patient relationship or offer therapeutic advice, opinion, diagnosis treatment or to establish a standard of care. Although Dr. Finlayson-Fife is a trained psychotherapist, she is not functioning in the role of a licensed therapist during these sessions, but rather using her training to inform these sessions. Thus, the content is not intended to replace independent professional judgment. The content is not intended to solicit clients or patients; and should not be relied upon as medical or psychological advice of any kind or nature whatsoever. The information provided through the Content should not be used for diagnosing or treating a mental health problem or disease. The information contained in these communications is not comprehensive and does not include all the potential information regarding the subject matter, but is merely intended to serve as one resource for general and educational purposes.