- Abuse
- Affairs
- Agency
- Aging
- Anxiety
- Ask a Mormon Sex Therapist
- Authenticity
- Autism
- Belonging
- Betrayal
- Betrayal Trauma
- Body Image
- Boundaries
- Caretaking
- Change
- Cherishing
- Choosing
- Codependency
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Conflict
- Dating
- Deception
- Depression
- Desire
- Desire Differences
- Desire Dynamics
- Differentiation
- Disappointment
- Dissertation Research
- Divorce
- Dr. Finlayson-Fife
- Duty Sex
- Embodiment
- Emotional Affairs
- Emotional Intimacy
- Emotional Maturity
- Empty Nesting
- Enmeshment
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Eros
- Eros Energy
- Eroticism
- Events
- Extended Family
- Facebook Live
- Faith
- Faith Crisis
- Faith Transition
- Fantasy
- Female Sexuality
- Finances
- Forgiveness
- Friendship
- Gender Roles
- Gratitude
- Growth
- Guilt
- Health
- Hierarchy
- High Desire
- Honesty
- Hostility
- Illness
- Infidelity
- Integrity
- Intimacy
- Intimate Deception
- Jealousy
- Lack of Attraction
- Lack of Desire
- Law of Chastity
- Listening
- Long Distance
- Losing Strategies
- Loss
- Loss/Grief
- Loss/Lack of Attraction
- Loss/Lack of Desire
- Love
- Low Desire
- Lower-Desire Men
- Male Sexuality
- Marriage
- Masculinity
- Masking
- Masturbation
- Men's Sexuality
- Midlife Crisis
- Mind Mapping
- Mindfulness
- Miscarriage
- Mixed-Faith Marriage
- Mixed-Faith Relationship
- Mixed-Orientation Marriage
- Modesty
- Motherhood
- Narcissism
- Neurodiversity
- Newlyweds
- Obedience
- Objectification
- Orgasm
- Overfunctioning
- Owning Your Choices
- Painful/Uncomfortable Sex
- Parenting
- Partnership
- Patriarchy
- Perfectionism
- Personal Development
- Polygamy
- Pornography
- Pregnancy
- Regret
- Relationships
- Remorse
- Resentment
- Room for Two
- Screens
- Self-Acceptance
- Self-Authoring
- Self-Confrontation
- Self-Definition
- Self-Development
- Self-Expansion
- Sense of Self
- Separation
- Settling
- Sexless Marriage
- Sexual Development
- Sexual Diversity
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Sexual Integration
- Sexual Integrity
- Sexual Intimac
- Sexual Intimacy
- Sexual Maturity
- Sexuality
- Shame
- Singles
- Spiritual Development
- Stages of Development
- Straddling
- Strengthening Relationships
- Talking to Kids
- Talking to Teens
- Teaser
- The Art of Desire
- The Art of Loving
- Trauma
- Triangulation
- Trust
- Truth
- Underfunctioning
- Validation
- Vulnerability
- Women's Sexuality
- Young Adulthood
Healthy Sexual Development
In this conversation with Michelle Larson of Uplift for Kids, Dr. Finlayson-Fife discusses what parents can do to facilitate the healthy sexual development of their children throughout every stage of development.
Sex and Motherhood
Many of us inherited meanings about sexuality from our families and culture that have actually inhibited our sexual desire. In this podcast episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Rachel Nielson from the 3 in 30 podcast to discuss these restrictive meaning frames and how we can shift our mindset to make room for more desire and a more fulfilling sexual relationship.
Navigating a Midlife Crisis
In this NEW podcast episode, Dr. Finlayson-Fife joins Sherrae Phelps for a powerful discussion about the often disillusioning middle years of life, and what we can do to remain hopeful, engaged, and productive during this phase of our development.
Understanding Men's Sexuality
This NEW podcast episode is the recording of a recent Facebook live where Dr. Finlayson-Fife addressed the gift of men's sexuality and took questions from Facebook group members about masculinity, hierarchy, pornography, and more!
Parenting a Perfectionistic Child Part 2
This is part to of the interview Monica Packer of About Progress conducted with Carolyn Bever & Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife to discuss parenting perfectionistic children. Listen to learn more about... - How to define your role as a parent - Shifting the value from external sources to one’s internal courage - More tips on parenting your perfectionistic child - And more...
How to Discuss Sexuality with your Children
Dr. Finlayson-Fife was interview by the Find the Magic team about addressing and helping our children develop a healthy relationship with their sexuality. Listen to learn more about: - Questions to ask yourself to help you sort out your own relationship to your sexuality - How to help your child understand that they are a powerful chooser in their life, especially around their sexuality - How to create guidelines and boundaries with your kids as they learn to integrate their sexuality - Teaching your children that being careful around their sexual choices matters
Parenting a Perfectionistic Child Part 1
Monica Packer of About Progress talked with Carolyn Bever & Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife to discuss parenting perfectionistic children. Listen to learn more about... - How to identify if you have a perfectionistic child - Why perfectionistic children can be over or underperforming - Separating your own sense of worth from your child’s achievements - How to illustrate the importance of failure in the process
Curfews, Crop Tops, Choices & More
Dr. Finlayson-Fife was interviewed by Ivy, Kristi’s daughter. Ivy is a smart and thoughtful teen who asked wonderful questions pertinent to all teens and parents of teens! Listen to this podcast to hear Dr. Finlayson talk directly to teens about: - Troubles that teens face in friendships and relationships - Anxiety - Disagreements with parents - and more!
Improving Your Marital Relationship
Dr. Finlayson-Fife joined Momivate for a Momversation on the topic of improving your marital relationship. This episode is full of helpful tips and insights including: - How to address conflicts in the marital and sexual relationship that interfere with happiness - Claiming your sexuality as your own - A helpful distinction between forgiveness and trusting - Normalizing struggles in marriage and using those struggles for our growth
In this recording of a Facebook Live Dr. Finlayson-Fife teaches about boundaries. Listen to this episode to learn more about: - The purpose of boundaries - Types of boundaries - How to be clear headed when setting your boundaries - The immense importance of honesty
Reawakening Suppressed Sexuality || Room for Two Teaser!
Morgan knows sexual desire, but she has deliberately repressed those feelings for so long that she is struggling to get them back. When she was younger, Morgan had a healthy curiosity about sex but felt she had crossed a line by reading romantic literature. In an effort to restore a sense of worthiness, she changed course and tried to never look back. While Morgan now tries to be sexual with Harry, her heart just isn’t in it. She finds it more intuitive to accommodate Harry than to find and express her own eroticism after so many years of trying to snuff it out. In this episode of Room for Two, Dr. Finlayson-Fife explores how Morgan’s anxiety, perfectionism, and external moral reference have limited her capacity for intimacy, and what she can do to develop a healthier relationship to her sexuality as well as a more fulfilling intimate relationship with Harry.
Answers to FAQ About Sex
In this episode, Dr. Jennifer joins Courtney Anderson of the Glow Boss Podcast to answer your questions about sex. They cover everything from high libido to sexual dreams about an ex to the psychology of climaxing. Listen to hear more about: - How to integrate freedom in the sexual relationship in a committed relationship - Meaning frames that can help your sexual relationship thrive through changes in life such as the postpartum stage and aging - Navigating desire differences in your relationship
Subscribe to "Conversations with Dr. Jennifer"
The Conversations with Dr. Jennifer Podcast is a collection of FREE podcast episodes, interviews, discussions, and media appearances all featuring Dr. Finlayson-Fife. All of these incredible resources have been gathered together and categorized by topic so that you can easily find answers to your relationship and sexuality questions.
As Seen On
The advice offered through Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s Podcast Archive is educational and informational in nature and is provided only as general information. It is not meant to establish a therapist-patient relationship or offer therapeutic advice, opinion, diagnosis treatment or to establish a standard of care. Although Dr. Finlayson-Fife is a trained psychotherapist, she is not functioning in the role of a licensed therapist during these sessions, but rather using her training to inform these sessions. Thus, the content is not intended to replace independent professional judgment. The content is not intended to solicit clients or patients; and should not be relied upon as medical or psychological advice of any kind or nature whatsoever. The information provided through the Content should not be used for diagnosing or treating a mental health problem or disease. The information contained in these communications is not comprehensive and does not include all the potential information regarding the subject matter, but is merely intended to serve as one resource for general and educational purposes.