• BYU Radio (Top of Mind) Interview

    BYU Radio (Top of Mind) Interview

    While in Utah to record courses, Dr. Finlayson-Fife took a side trip to Provo where BYU Radio's Julie Rose interviewed her about Navigating Sexuality as a Chaste Single. The link will autoplay the audio, but it may take up to a minute to start!

    LDS Theology and Sexuality, Radio Interviews, Singles
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  • How Some Outdated Teachings Can Abet Sexual Violence

    How Some Outdated Teachings Can Abet Sexual Violence

    Peggy Fletcher Stack interviewed Dr. Finlayson-Fife and others on outdated church-cultural notions that shape our responses to rape.  The article, coauthored with Erin Alberty, was published on February 6, 2016 in the Salt Lake Tribune. How Outdated Mormon Teachings May Be Aiding and Abetting ‘Rape Culture’

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  • A Review of The Art of Desire course by Marriage Blogger

    A Review of The Art of Desire course by Marriage Blogger

    Celeste, writing for weblog "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" reviews my online course in a post titled Resources for Improving Intimacy: "The Art of Desire". "This course was so much more eye-opening for me than I ever anticipated.  I was expecting it to go something like, “for years you thought sex was bad and now you need to know sex is good, let’s discuss.”  But it was so, SO much more than that.  It made me take a good, hard, thorough look at myself, my relationship to desire and all sorts of masks and facades I may be hiding behind that I didn’t realize were there at all. ..Maybe my fav...

    Course Reviews, Female Sexuality
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  • Q and A: How Singles Can Embrace Both Chastity and Sexuality

    Q and A: How Singles Can Embrace Both Chastity and Sexuality

    In the final podcast in a 3-part series on sexuality, marriage, and singlehood, Candice Madsen interviews Dr. Finlayson-Fife and Dr. Jason Carroll, BYU professor of family life.  Links to transcripts and videos can be found here: Q and A: How singles can embrace both chastity and sexuality (+video) You can find the first two podcasts in that series here: If there is a secret to marriage, it just may be commitment Love, marriage and the single woman stuck writing about it

    Articles/Publications, Singles, Videos
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  • Creating a Healthier Marriage

    Creating a Healthier Marriage

    "When the wedding celebration and honeymoon end and we are left to work out a life with another flawed human being, we are often unprepared for the disharmony experienced in those early days. When so many of us anticipate bliss in marriage, what do we do when we find ourselves confronting disappointment and conflict? What meaning should we make of the discord, and what can we do to make our marriage better?"

    Articles/Publications, Marriage
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  • Sexuality and Singledom—Navigating with Clarity and Integrity - Podcast Transcript

    Sexuality and Singledom—Navigating with Clarity and Integrity - Podcast Transcript

    The text below was adapted from a presentation given by Dr. Finlayson-Fife at the "Of One Body" Singles Conference in New York City on May 16, 2015 To listen to the audio recording of this presentation click HERE. When I told a friend recently that I would be presenting in NYC on Singles and Sexuality, she smiled and asked “Is there any overlap between those two topics?  What on earth are you going to talk about?” Of course, what is comical about her question is that it exposes the deep-seated desire among us, especially among those of us who are married, to pretend that the sexuality of Sin...

    Agency, Singles, Transcripts of Podcasts
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