• Rome Italy Couple's Retreat Recap!

    Rome Italy Couple's Retreat Recap!

    On our first international retreat, Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife and 14 couples toured Italy for a romantic and deeply educational experience!  We took in the sights, learned history, made pasta, ate amazing Italian cuisine, learned to Tango, and made life-long friendships.  Most importantly, our marriages became stronger and more authentic with rich and challenging instruction from Dr. Finlayson-Fife!  

    Retreat Recaps, Videos
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  • How Do I Figure Out God's Plan For Me?

    How Do I Figure Out God's Plan For Me?

    Dr. Finlayson-fife is quoted by author Sherrae Phelps in her article "How do I figure out God's plan for me?".  Jennifer offers her thoughts under the sections Waiting for God and Moving Forward with Faith. You can view the article using the link below: http://www.ldsliving.com/What-if-You-Can-t-Figure-Out-the-Work-God-Has-for-You/s/90057 What If You Can't Figure Out God's Plan for You? by Sherrae Phelps What does God want me to do? This is a common question that is sincerely asked by individuals seeking to live a good life and wanting their actions to be in alignment with God’s wi...

    Agency, Articles/Publications, Sense of Self
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  • LDS Living Article on Submission

    LDS Living Article on Submission

    This week, LDS Living posted an article referencing an interview with Dr. Finlayson-Fife on the subject of submission.  Author Sherrae Phelps explores the theological and psychological difference between destructive submission and virtuous submission drawing on Dr. Finlayson-Fife's perspectives on the matter.  You can read the article by clicking here: http://www.ldsliving.com/When-Is-Submission-Good-and-When-Is-It-Dangerous/s/89758 When Is Submission Good and When Is It Dangerous? by Sherrae Phelps Submission has a bad reputation. As Elder Jeffery R. Holland has said, “You can be...

    Agency, Articles/Publications, Trust
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  • Resources for Young Single Adults

    Resources for Young Single Adults

    One of the most common responses we hear from course participants and subscribers, especially those who are women, is “I wish I would have known all this when I was younger.” While Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s courses have a focus on marital relationships, the principles in all of her material are paradigm altering, regardless of whether you have a significant other and/or children in your life. Many single members of the church have found the materials to be pertinent, valuable, and worth sharing with among the LDS single community. Even through the lens of a single person, Jennifer’s pod...

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  • This American Life NPR Interview

    This American Life NPR Interview

    Dr. Finlayson-Fife was briefly interviewed on an episode of This American Life, a national radio show and podcast. The radio drew from Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s expertise around intimacy among members of the Church. The episode is a challenging yet important piece looking at the vulnerabilities around worthiness interviews. Click on the link below to listen the full episode: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/661/but-thats-what-happened 

    Abuse, LDS Theology and Sexuality, Radio Interviews
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  • The Salt Lake Tribune Interview

    The Salt Lake Tribune Interview

    Dr. Finlayson-Fife was recently interviewed by Courtney Tanner of the Salt Lake Tribune for her article on the LDS church’s stance on physical intimacy within marriage. Click on the link below to read the full article: https://www.sltrib.com/religion/local/2018/10/01/mormons-sex-before/

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